
Cicada Creative Magazine Docs #

Welcome! #

Cicada Creative Magazine is an interdisciplinary, all-arts publication that reviews all sorts of creative work.

This documentation is intended to function as a primary resource for staff or anyone who’d like to know more about us. It is an in-progress catalog of all things Cicada, and if there’s anything you’d like to see added, let us know.

How to use #

  • Click on a link in the lefthand sidebar to jump to that section of the docs.
  • Each link leads to a single-page overview of its category with a righthand sidebar to help navigate the page.
  • If a link has an arrow next to it, it means clicking on the category will show its sub-categories. You can navigate these sub-categories like any other page.
  • Use the search bar to navigate the docs quickly.
If you have any questions beyond the scope of these docs, please feel free to email us at info@cicadacreativemag.com or submit a help ticket on our Discord server.